inside the laboratory

Exporting Bitumen to Germany in high season?

The German average bitumen production is said to cover the national consumption, even after production stop and operational problems in several important refineries. But is it enough to meet the peak demand during the construction high season?

If you consider bitumen export to Germany, you should be aware of the following. In addition to EN 12591 (or 14023) regulations, the German federal ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure extended the testing for bitumen for road construction. The additional test is indicated in ARS04/2016 and TL Bitumen-Stb 07/13.

Geos Bitumen Laboratory can easily supply the additional tests on a 1L sample. On a 1,5L sample, we can conduct the full EN 12591 + additional TL Bitumen testing. Test certificates are available in German within a few days after sample supply to our lab.